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Manager Hiring

Streamline your Manager recruitment procedure to boost diversity and performance

Select diverse, top-performing Managers and boost their effectiveness in their new roles with the SHL Manager Solution and the new capabilities offered by talent insights.

Attract the top candidates with an immersive candidate experience

Invite candidates into an engaging assessment experience, starting with an automated team welcome, and showcase your organization’s culture. Present clearly and in detail the stages of the assessment, by creating an assessment process they can complete at their pace on their chosen devices.

Manager Job Focused Assessment

Designed to assess managerial candidates’ core competencies and critical behaviors to identify high performers. Includes items examining personality dimensions, competencies, experience and cognitive ability, to offer a comprehensive measurement of Managerial potential.



Identify managerial candidates with the best-fit for the role and your organization, by evaluating specific, role-based personality characteristics with the leading occupational personality questionnaire.

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Assessment & Development Centers

Gather rich insights about candidates' managerial potential with exercises and business scenarios/cases that simulate the challenges they will have to face in their future role. Learn more


Verify Interactive G+

Assess the cognitive potential of your managerial candidates with the leading SHL Verify Interactive cognitive ability tests, while offering them a great candidate experience.

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Provide a positive candidate experience to all managerial applicants

Conclude the managerial recruitment experience by providing personalized feedback for all applicants, providing helpful insights that will set you apart as an employer.

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